World Press Photo 2013
Szeptember 27.–október 27.

A World Press Photo éves pályázatán 124 országból 5,666 fotóriporter pályázott. A beküldött 103,481 fotó értékelésével a 19 tagú nemzetközi zsűri 13 napot töltött Amszterdamban és 32 nemzet 54 fotográfusát díjazták.

Budapest, Kossuth tér 12.

Hétfő - vasárnap
10.00 – 18.00 óráig

Teljes árú belépőjegy: 2100 Ft
Kedvezményes belépőjegy: 1000 Ft
Családi jegy (1-2 felnőtt, 1-3 gyerek): 4400 Ft

A World Press Photo kiállítás most is az elmúlt évnek mutat tükröt: 167 képbe sűrítve láthatjuk az elmúlt év eseményeit, hétköznapjait, sportját, azokat az embereket, akik a hírekben szerepelnek. Izgalmas élményt nyújt mindazoknak, akik szeretnék jobban megérteni, mi zajlik körülöttünk a világban. A World Press Photo budapesti kiállítása már harminckét éves múltra tekint vissza.



: Varázslatos tájak
(Alpesi kanyonok – Irország tengerparti sziklacsodái)

"Varázslatos jelenség a szakadék.
A föld kettéválik, és hegyek emelkednek a "szakadás" mentén... Írország vad, sziklákkal szabdalt tengerpartján éltem és számomra ezek a szakadékok a tengert jelentik, Ausztria tengerpartjat. Bár Ausztria nem rendelkezik tengerparttal, a simára koptatott kavicsok, megmászni való sziklák nekem rejtett "tengeröblök" a zuhogó víz hangjával...
...Írország híres a szépségéről,
természetes tengerparti boltozatai azonban kevéssé vagy egyáltalán nem ismertek. A táj e különleges kincsei szinte megbabonázzák a szemlélő tekintetet. Hosszasan állják ugyan az elemek ostromát, mégis sebezhetők. A tengerparti boltozatok veszélyesek is, mivel nem kínálnak védelmet egyik irányból sem. Ezek a képek arra figyelmeztetnek, hogy ha eljön az idő, minden elkerülhetetlenül elenyészik, az is, ami állandónak és megingathatatlannak tűnt.”
– Gavin Lyons Ausztriában élő Ír fotográfus.

On the Spot a World Press Photo kiállításon
A kiállítás teljes ideje alatt folyamatosan vetítjük a Cseke Eszter és S. Takács András riportfilmjeiből készült válogatást, amelyek sokszor ugyanazokról az eseményekről tudósítanak, mint a kiállított fotók.
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Tel.: 06/20-328-6555


Kiállítás szervező: Révész Tamás



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paulhansenPaul Hansen

World Press Photo of the Year 2012
Paul Hansen, Sweden, Dagens Nyheter

20 November 2012, Gaza City, Palestinian Territories
Two-year-old Suhaib Hijazi and her three-year-old brother Muhammad were killed when their house was destroyed by an Israeli missile strike. Their father, Fouad, was also killed and their mother was put in intensive care. Fouad’s brothers carry his children to the mosque for the burial ceremony as his body is carried behind on a stretcher.

ozmenEmin Özmen

2nd Prize Spot News Single
Emin Özmen, Turkey 31 July 2012, Aleppo, Syria

Opposition fighters regularly launched operations to seize government informants after dark. Two informants were captured, declared guilty under interrogation, and tortured throughout the night; tired soldiers had to be replaced so the torture could continue. After 48 hours, the captives were released.

bucciarelliFabio Bucciarelli

2nd Prize Spot News Stories
Fabio Bucciarelli, Italy, Agence France-Presse 10 October 2012,
Aleppo, Syria

A Free Syrian Army fighter takes up a position during clashes against government forces in the Sulemain Halabi district.

abdRodrigo Abd

1st Prize General News Single
Rodrigo Abd, Argentina, The Associated Press 10 March 2012, Idib, Syria

Aida cries while recovering from severe injuries she received when her house was shelled by the Syrian Army. Her husband and two children were fatally wounded during the shelling.

Daniel Berehulak

3rd Prize General News Stories
Daniel Berehulak, Australia, Getty Images

Japan After the Wave 07 March 2012, Rikuzentakata, Japan
Pine trees uprooted during the tsunami lay strewn over the beach.
One year later, areas of Japan most impacted by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami that left 15,848 dead and 3,305 missing, continue to struggle. Thousands of people remain living in temporary dwellings. The government faces an uphill battle with the need to dispose of rubble as it works to rebuild economies and livelihoods.

weisengchenWei Seng Chen

1st Prize Sports – Sports Action Single
Wei Seng Chen, Malaysia
Pacu Jawi Bull Race, Indonesia 12 February 2012, Batu Sangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia

A jockey, his feet stepped into a harness strapped to the bulls and clutching their tails, shows relief and joy at the end of a dangerous run across rice fields. The Pacu Jawi (bull race) is a popular competition at the end of harvest season keenly contested between villages.

Sergei ilnitsky

2nd Prize Sports – Sports Action Stories
Sergei Ilnitsky, Russia, European Pressphoto Agency

The Golden Touch - Fencing at the Olympics 31 July 2012, London, UK
Alaaeldin Abouelkassem of Egypt (top) in action against Peter Joppich of Germany during their Men's Foil Individual Round 16 match.
Years of training, thousands of battles, and hundreds of victories prepared fencing competitors for the opportunity to stand on the piste at the 2012 London Olympic Games to fight for gold.

Jan Garup

1st Prize Sports – Sports Features Stories
Jan Grarup, Denmark, Laif
Women’s Basketball, Mogadishu, Somalia 21 February 2012, Mogadishu, Somalia 

The Somali basketball association pays armed guards to watch over and protect Suweys and her team when they play.
In Mogadishu, the war-torn capital of Somalia, young women risk their lives to play basketball. Suweys, the 19-year-old captain of a women's basketball team, and her friends defy radical Islamist views on women’s rights. They have received many death threats from not only al-Shabaab militias and radical Islamists, but some male members of their own families. "I just want to dunk," said Suweys. It is on the basketball court she feels happiest. "Basketball makes me forget all my problems.”

Micah Albert

1st Prize Contemporary Issues Single
Micah Albert, USA, Redux Images

03 April 2012, Nairobi, Kenya
Pausing in the rain, a woman working as a trash picker at the 30-acre dump, which literally spills into households of one million people living in nearby slums, wishes she had more time to look at the books she comes across. She even likes the industrial parts catalogs. “It gives me something else to do in the day besides picking [trash],” she said.

Maika Elan

1st Prize Contemporary Issues Stories
Maika Elan
, Vietnam, Most
The Pink Choice, Vietnam 22 June 2012, Da Nang, Vietnam

Phan Thi Thuy Vy and Dang Thi Bich Bay, who have been together for one year, watch television to relax after studying at school.
Vietnam has historically been unwelcoming to same-sex relationships. But its Communist government is considering recognizing same-sex marriage, a move that would make it the first Asian country to do so, despite past human rights issues and a long-standing stigma. In August 2012, the country’s first public gay pride parade took place in Hanoi.

Søren Bidstrup

2nd Prize Daily Life Single
Søren Bidstrup, Denmark, Berlingske

Early Morning on Summer Holiday, Italy 08 July 2012, Jeselo, Italy
Summer holiday camping. Someone is up a little too early.

Fausto Podavini

1st Prize Daily Life Stories
Fausto Podavini, Italy
Mirella 01 June 2010, Rome, Italy

Despite her husband's life-threatening disease, Mirella devoted her life to assisting Luigi, trying to be positive and reassuring, looking after him with intense love and respect. Everyday care, usually done in a few minutes, takes hours when it concerns someone with dementia.
Mirella, 71, spent 43 years of her life with the only person she loved, with all of life's difficulties, laughter, and beautiful moments. But over the last six years things changed: Mirella lived with her husband Luigi’s illness, Alzheimer’s, and devoted her life to him as his caregiver.

Ilona Szwarc

3rd Prize People – Observed Portraits Single
Ilona Szwarc, Poland, Redux Pictures
Kayla, Boston, USA 19 February 2012, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

“American Girl” is a popular line of dolls that can be customized to look exactly like their owners. Kayla poses with her lookalike doll in front of a portrait of her ancestors.

pluijmAmanda van der Plujim

3rd Prize People – Observed Portraits Stories
Ananda van der Pluijm, The Netherlands
Martin 15 February 2011, Tilburg, the Netherlands

After living with his father for ten years and staying in a youth shelter, Martin, 18, returned home two years ago to live with his mother. He arrived with some clothes in a bag and no work or degree.

Stephan Chow

2nd Prize Prize People – Staged Portraits Single
Stefen Chow, Malaysia, for Smithsonian magazine
Ai Wei Wei 06 February 2012, Beijing, China

Ai Weiwei

Christian Ziegler

1st Prize Nature Single
Christian Ziegler, Germany
Southern Cassowary, Australia 16 November 2012, Black Mountain Road, Australia

The endangered Southern Cassowary feeds on the fruit of the Blue Quandang tree. Cassowaries are a keystone species in northern Australian rainforests because of their ability to carry so many big seeds such long distances.


Paul Nicklen

1st Prize Nature Stories
Paul Nicklen, Canada, National Geographic magazine
Emperor Penguins, Ross Sea 18 November 2011, Ross Sea, Antarctica

Even though they have evolved an incredibly advanced bubble physiology the greatest challenge they face is the loss of sea ice that supports their colonies and ecosystem.
New science shows that Emperor Penguins are capable of tripling their swimming speed by releasing millions of bubbles from their feathers. These bubbles reduce the friction between their feathers and the icy seawater, allowing them to accelerate in the water. They use speeds of up to 30 kilometers per hour to avoid leopard seals and to launch themselves up onto the ice.